Our dear friends, beloved guests!
If you want to get information about Azerbaijan, the rich and ancient history, culture, traditions, literary heritage of my country, then I am created for you!
After all, you see, the specialty of a historian obliges a lot.
In 2009 I graduated from Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University. In the year of 2015 I completed my postgraduate studies with honors at the oldest Azerbaijani university - BSU (Baku State University).
After that, I long and stubbornly walked towards my goal, which at the very beginning of the path I did not even have any idea of at all. It's about calling a tour guide. So, in 2017, I plunged into the insanely interesting world of the specialty of a guide.
The time has come to lift the veil over obscurity and get to know the incomparably beautiful, wonderful country of Azerbaijan and its valiant, hardworking and sympathetic people. With my participation and with my help...
Having successfully passed the courses of the Organization of the Association of Guides of Azerbaijan, I became the owner of a certificate of an international guide.
The level of English language proficiency is GORGEOUS!!!
International trainer certificate of the World Tourist Guides Association